FIRST LEGO League Explore events provide an opportunity for teams to showcase their work, meet other teams, and celebrate. An event can be as simple as a meeting of a team, families, and friends to share what was learned during the season. Larger events offer teams an opportunity to share and learn from one another. Some teams are invited to showcase their work at the FIRST Championship, where teams from all over the world meet, share ideas, and have fun. Due to the non-competitive nature of FIRST LEGO League Explore, teams may attend more than one season event depending on the events scheduled in their area. FLL REGISTRATION FORM THE FOLLOWING INFO IS REQUIRED CONTACT FIRST NAME* CONTACT LAST NAME* NAME OF SCHOOL* E-MAIL* PHONE* ADDRESS* ADDRESS LINE STATE* AbiaAdamawaAkwa IbomAnambraBauchiBayelsaBenueBornoCross RiverDeltaEbonyiEdoEkitiEnuguFederal Capital Territory - AbujaGombeImoJigawaKadunaKanoKatsinaKebbiKogiKwaraLagosNasarawaNigerOgunOndoOsunOyoPlateauRiversSokotoTarabaYobeZamfara How did you hear about us?* FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedInNewspaperRadioTVGoogleCoderina StaffOthers Δ